Wednesday, 9 September 2015

For the Nights When You Cant Fall Asleep

 Lately, sleep has been a rare pleasure for me. I've run in to many sleep obstacles, but I have found some full proof ways to go around, jump over and crawl under all my obstacles. So, I thought I might as well share them with you. I'm assuming I'm not the only one who has sleepy troubles from time to time.


1. Be Well Pampered
If you've been having a tough time falling asleep lately, make sure when the next time night falls, you're well pampered. It will be easier to fall asleep when you feel super clean and moisturized and scrubbed and whatever else you want to feel. Face masks, hair masks or a bubble bath are great things to do before bed that will help you relax and keep you from feeling grubby when you get into bed. Also, make sure you have clean sheets, that always helps with the "getting comfortable" dilemma.

3. Soothing Smells
This kind of goes along with the "being well pampered" topic, but you might not believe the effect that smells have on your body. Keep your hands soft and supple AND breath in relaxing fumes at the same time with a scented hand cream. Scents like lavender, vanilla and jasmine are ideal for soothing the mind and calming the senses. Another option is a pillow mist, and I would definitely recommend making the purchase. I use this launder vanilla pillow mist from Bath and Body Works. I've been using it for months and didn't realize it was from Bath and Body Works until now. It has such luxurious packaging I never would have thought. If you're sleepy time budget is a bit deeper then perhaps consider investing in a room diffuser. I'm obsessed with mine, which I got from Sage. Everything it offers from the calming glow, the dreamy scented steam that it emits to the soft humming noise, keeps me in a zen state. 

4. Read or Write
Nothing settles me more then reading or writing before bed. When I say writing, I don't mean here on my blog, more like jotting  down notes and ideas in a journal. It's very therapeutic. As for reading, there's no better way to give your mind a vacation from thinking. Now, a lot of you may be saying "reading's boring, I don't want to read, who reads these days? or I'd rather be on my phone or laptop". I say, you're wrong. Find a good book or magazine or picture book or even a colouring book that suits your fancy and caters to your interests and I promise you will feel more at ease when it's time to turn the lights out.

1. Stretch It Out
On one of those restless nights, where you just can't get comfortable, I always find myself less squirmy after I stand up and stretch. I'm not talking yoga in your bedroom in the middle of the night, more like a stroll to the bathroom and back. Sometimes, just standing up and shaking out your arms and legs can really help. After a little stretch, you'll find yourself more relaxed and elongated, not so scrunched up.

5. Keep Your Mind From Thinking To Much 
My mind is notorious for running marathons every time I try to sleep. It seems as though my brain doesn't ever want to stop working. If this is ever a problem for you, here's what I suggest. Forget what you were told about counting sheep or thinking of a blank piece of paper (that's a thing right?). What's best is to think of something that doesn't require brainstorming. Something that comes easily and makes you feel really good. For example, I tend to think of things like "if I was given a $1000 gift card to Sephora what would I get?" or "what would happen if I fainted at a One Direction concert and then woke up back stage with the boys watching over me?". See what I mean?


Now, go and put these tips in your back pocket for your next restless night. 

Thanks for reading.


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