1. Use technology in the most positive way possible
At first this goal was to use technology less, which has, like meditation, plat-based diets and other forms of self care, become just as much a trend as holographic highlighter. I practice what I preach when it comes to mindfulness and meditation, but I’m not here to make myself seem perfect. If I’m being truthful, I love a bacon cheese burger almost as much as I love Instagram. Actually, scratch that. I much prefer the burger. But that being said, technology and social media are equal parts blessing and curse. There are ways to only use the addicting apps in a positive way, but it isn’t as simple as one may assume. The past few weeks I’ve been in the experimental phase of how I can change my online presence and use of social media to be more gratifying. Though we may love the thrill of unlocking our phones to hundreds of “like” notifications, and scrolling through the people who’ve gazed mindlessly at our Instagram stories, the satisfaction is fleeting at best. There are a few tricks I’ve found to not only aid in a more positive outlook on my use of social media but more importantly have improved how I feel about myself. It’s all about trial and error with this one my friends. It’s the only way to find the balance between staying connected to the fascinating, beautiful world around us, while also staying connected to our own lives.
Stop Scrolling. Unfollow. Use post notifications. Make the most out of the time you spend online.
I guarantee if you were to start scrolling through your Twitter or Instagram, within minutes you’ll notice someone who you either didn’t realize you were following, or have no interest in at this point in your life. Do I really need to follow the entire cast of the 90210 reboot over half a decade after I finished watching it? Of course not! What’s the solution to this waste of time and thumb energy? Unfollow! It’s like throwing out a mascara you know dried up weeks ago and will be giving you itchy eyes any day, once it’s done you’ll feel revived. More human even, because the less people you follow, the more you focus on your own life. Perhaps you fear the commitment of unfollowing, because who knows, what if one day a celeb you once adored comes to your home town and you don’t follow them and find out? My solution is simply to cut down your scrolling time, and along with that, the Insta story watching time. Have some self control and simply tell yourself to stop. Take advantage of post or tweet notifications for those bloggers or friends who’s lives can’t go unnoticed. Lastly, be sure to feel proud of the content you share. It’s far too easy to mindlessly post, or even worse, post for the benefit of others. Anything you share becomes a permanent part of your floating cyberspace housed image, so we need to be confident in what we portray.
2. Write everything down
My thoughts are valuable to me. They’re what keep me entertained, keep me crazy while simultaneously keeping me sane. What I’ve discovered more joy in than I could have ever imagined is documenting them for no one’s eyes but my own. Whether it’s a note on my phone or a page in a journal, writing down a thought from a passing moment, especially when I know that moment will stay with me forever, gives me something to refer back to when I fear I haven’t grown since.
My thoughts are valuable to me. They’re what keep me entertained, keep me crazy while simultaneously keeping me sane. What I’ve discovered more joy in than I could have ever imagined is documenting them for no one’s eyes but my own. Whether it’s a note on my phone or a page in a journal, writing down a thought from a passing moment, especially when I know that moment will stay with me forever, gives me something to refer back to when I fear I haven’t grown since.
3. De clutter my life
I’m writing this post as I lounge in my living room, basking in the setting sun after a full day of closet purging. But de cluttering your life takes more than the somewhat enjoyable giving away of clothes that don’t fit and bottles of foundation past their due date. Follow my lead; take the time to fill a giveaway bin, delete the emails you received in high school, and make the conscious decision that you probably only need the magazines you haven’t already read. With a clean space, you’re mind is free to stretch it’s creative legs to their full extension.
I’m writing this post as I lounge in my living room, basking in the setting sun after a full day of closet purging. But de cluttering your life takes more than the somewhat enjoyable giving away of clothes that don’t fit and bottles of foundation past their due date. Follow my lead; take the time to fill a giveaway bin, delete the emails you received in high school, and make the conscious decision that you probably only need the magazines you haven’t already read. With a clean space, you’re mind is free to stretch it’s creative legs to their full extension.
4. Live by this quote
"The most important relationship in life is the one you have with yourself. Any other relationship is a plus, not a must.”
- Diane Von Furstenburg
I think this goal can go without explanation.
Thanks for reading.
- Emily
What you see in this post:
Red Sweater - H&M
Trench Coat - London Fog
Jeans - JBrand
Sneakers - ASOS
To shop, see the "shop my style" section on the home page of emeroo :)
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