Sunday, 8 April 2018

Worth > Cost: Dior HydraLife Skin Care

Dior Hydra Life Sorbet Water Essence.

What I love most about this serum is it's luxurious simplicity. Though it has all the high-end elements we crave and expect from Dior, it's purpose is simple and the results deliver accordingly. Ultimate hydration for skin that feels drained of life and moisture. This product was the deciding factor for me when ordering this kit as I knew with my current dryness educed breakouts, my skin needed a serious dose of water inside, and on the surface. To no surprise, drinking more aqua in combination with this product worked harmoniously. After obsessing over this sample size bottle for a few glowing, fresh faced weeks, I've decided this one is a keeper. 

Dior HydraLife Moisturizer

Before Starting this fresh tub of watery goodness, my skin was not extremely happy with my current choice of moisturizer. I knew that the reason for the lack of confidence in my skin was because of the lack of a proper moisturizer, so I made a change. I switched even before I had finished the tub of lackluster moisturizer, an act completely out of character for me. Do I regret the switch? Not in the slightest. This moisturizer converted me to preferring something water based. It's quick absorbing, lightweight formula always leaves my skin feeling happy and hydrated. This effect is really all I ask for from my moisturizer; a glowing finish and true long-lasting hydration are simply bonuses.

Dior HydraLife Glow Better Gelly Mask 

If you're a regular viewer of my Instagram stories, you'll be well aware of my growing reliance on morning masking sessions. When you have a few spare moments in the morning, why not take that time to treat your skin and spend the rest of the day with an even, glowing complexion? Hint, it's a rhetorical question. One of my go-to masks for the AM is this one for Dior. Not only is it quick and easy (only 3-5 mins) but it gives my skin a serious glow. Someone once told me, "you have peaches and cream skin"; an odd sounding compliment at first, but when I really think about it, that's exactly the effect this mask gives! Try it out and you'll know exactly what I mean. 

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Thanks for reading

- Emily

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