Thursday, 5 February 2015

My Experience and Advice Regarding Accutane

If you look closely on my face, chest and back you will see the scars of my past. I have been living an acne free life (well not entirely, because that's impossible) for the past year. However, my skin didn't come to be this way because of a break through product bought on an infomercial, I had to work for the skin I have now.

I was unfortunately cursed with acne prone skin, it sucks but it's just something I had to deal with. After taking a medication called tetracycline for almost a year, my skin wasn't getting any better. My acne wasn't just bad on my face but on my chest, shoulders and back as well. It almost looked like I had chicken pocks sometimes. My back got so bad that you couldn't even see any skin it was just a big red, bumpy, blotchy mess. Not only was it embarrassing at school, because unless I wore a parka everyday there was no hiding it completely, but it was also extremely painful.

Now, I'm not telling you this sob story because I want you to feel sorry for me, I'm telling you because these are the symptoms that led me to take accutane. It bothers me when people start taking a skin medication when their acne is just as normal as the next teenager. People have to realize that this is a medication that requires a prescription and everything, not some cream you can get at the drugstore. People don't always take it very seriously.

If you are experiencing severely bad acne, if your blemishes are on the inside more often then the outside, and if it has spread, badly, to other parts of your body, not just your face, then you might want to consider taking a skin medication.

If you do want to, need to, or are planning to take accutane then here are the things to expect. You'll have to invest in a really supreme moisturizer because your skin is going to get very dry. Also get some heavy duty lip balm as your lips will also become very very dry.Don't expect results immediately, it takes time for the medication to work, I had to take three doses before my skin got better. Drink tons and tons of water. And finally, look forward to not having to wash your hair as often, because the medication dries out your entire body, including your hair, but do condition more often and more heavily.

I hope this hasn't started sounding like one of those medication commercials that basically says that you'll probably die if you take the drug.

To end off, I hope none of you have the "bad skin" experience that I did, because no one deserves that. But I also hope that if you were/are considering taking a medication for your skin problems that this will help you. If you get acne, know that your not alone, and that I can totally empathize with you, but also know that there is hope!

Thanks so much for reading and have a great day!

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