Wednesday, 31 August 2016

New School Year, New Hair, New Beginnings

Photography: Jen Harden

Right now, I'm caught between holding on to the last fleeting moments of summer and letting go to get ready for the new school year. It's tough to let go of the summer time. The heat and the memories have a way of latching onto you, tugging you backwards, making it hard to accept September and reality. To me, this summer seemed flawless in a textbook sort of way. Everything young girls read about in stupid summer novels seemed to be the case for me. Looking back now, I don't regret having that token "book worthy" summer, but as the heat blows over I'm ready to embrace the cold, the studying and the hard work.

I can't tell if I'm being too mysterious or not. I want to be real with you guys. 

Here's something I learned this summer. Sometimes, things can seem too good to be true, which is great but not realistic. In those moments you simply have to soak it all in, because that isn't what real life is made up of. Eventually things change and hopefully what you're left with is fond memories to look back on and better things ahead of you. Personally, when the my silver screen summer started to fade away, I held on too tight. I know now that what seemed too good to be true was merely me twisting something to fit my ideal. But it wasn't real. 

I don't live with regrets, no matter how hard it is not to. When life happens you have to look towards the future to help yourself keep focused. That's why this particular school year is coming at a perfect time. I'm in the perfect mindset to focus on myself, my goals, and my priorities.

I have no idea if any of that will make any sense to any of you, but I needed to get those feelings out in words. So, do with it what you will. Now we can address the elephant in the... well... blog post. The new school year seemed like a perfect time to try out a completely new look. After having purple hair in the past, I've always wanted to do something fun with my hair again. Grey has been in the back of mind for ages and I simply love how it finally turned out.


Good luck to all of you whether you are starting university, going into a new year of high school, starting a new job or just looking to September for a fresh start. 

Thanks for reading.



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