There are certain rules in fashion, such as "things shouldn't match they should go" or "always take off the last accessory you put on". But what makes fashion truly enjoyable for me is breaking the rules. You're probably looking at your computer or phone screen right now thinking "Emily, this outfit doesn't exactly scream rule breaker". Fundamentally, you are correct, a pair of chiffon short shorts and a vest top is pretty safe. It's the colour and more importantly the mix of colours that I want you to focus on.
Consider this. When putting together a more inventive look, try to ignore the urge to make everything "go". It's harder than it sounds, trust me, but the result can be something something brilliantly unexpected.
entire concept is something I've experimented a lot with this summer,
and every time I try it the results only get more and more inventive and
eye catching. We don't want to start putting together cringe worthy
outfits by any means, but what's the harm in layering colours and
patterns? At first, things may seems like they clash, (which is a term I
personally try to avoid using) but like a smoky eye, you have to push through
the blending to reveal your beautiful, bold look.
If everything always matched, fashion would never progress. So let's be progressive this summer and play with colour!
Thanks for reading.
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